Everyone participating in-school tournaments forms to fill:
OCDSB 974 Concussion Code - Student
OCDSB 975 Concussion Code - Parent/Guardian
Our students enjoy many sports activities such as soccer, cross-country running, borden ball, triple ball, intramural games, and track and field. In addition, the students can join the train club, primary or junior choir and the environment club. The activities can vary from year to year and depend on the interest and commitment of students, staff, and parents.
Our grade 5 students have numerous leadership opportunities such as lunchroom monitors, reading buddies, office volunteers and WITS assembly leaders.
Other clubs and sports activities that are happening this year in the Forest are:
- Train
- Choir (both primary and junior)
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Borden ball
- Cross-country running
- Track and Field
- Tchoukball
Forest Valley implements a Code of Behaviour that was developed collaboratively with students, parents, and staff, and is revised and revisited on a regular basis. The OCDSB "Community of Character" initiative is integrated in the curriculum and also includes a variety of cultural awareness and student recognition programs:
- WITS initiative
- Progressive Discipline techniques (i.e., minor incident forms, Fix-up strategies)
- Social thinking strategies (i.e., expected vs. unexpected behavior, zones of regulation)
- Restorative Practices and Collaborative Problem Solving techniques
- Wellness committee-Mindfulness practice, school Yoga events
- Safety, security, first aid, CPR, AED, and emergency training procedures for staff
- Parental involvement in school (pizza lunches, movie nights, fundraisers)
- Cross divisional activities (i.e., reading buddies, lunch monitors, etc)
- Cross -program activities
- Staff and student driven charitable community initiatives and environmental projects