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School Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Throw kindness like confetti
Students working together to make positive changes
Please remember that Life-threatening allergies to scents/perfume exist in this school. If you are wearing any scented products- DO NOT ENTER THE BUILDING.
Nous avons des allergies sévères aux parfums. Nous vous remercions de respecter notre environnement non parfumé à Forest Valley ES.
توجد حساسية تهدد الحياة تجاه الروائح / العطور في هذه المدرسة. إذا كنت ترتدي أي منتجات معطرة، فلا تدخل المبنى.
Xasaasiyadda nafta halis gelisa ee udgoon/barfuun ayaa ka jira dugsigan. Haddii aad gashan tahay alaab udgoon - HA GALIN DHISMAHA.
Por favor, lembre-se de que nesta escola existem alergias potencialmente fatais a aromas/perfumes. Se você estiver usando algum produto perfumado - NÃO ENTRE NO EDIFÍCIO.
Por favor recuerde que en esta escuela existen alergias potencialmente mortales a olores/perfumes. Si está usando algún producto perfumado, NO ENTRE AL EDIFICIO.
On January 23, 2025 at 4:45 p.m., we will host an in-person parent/caregiver Information Night where you can learn about our full-day, fully bilingual Kindergarten program. Come see what we have to offer!
Forest Valley Merchandise Sale Use this website link to get some great wearables.